Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Borderline

I wait for you on the borderline, teether between what is called Sanity, and what I once believed to be my true world. Where are you? Did you get lost in that no-man's land I was forced to abandon, or are you out with the Healthy, out with all of those who do nothing but pretend? I've been looking out, day and night, but I cannot find you. If only I could go further than here, without the fear of never being allowing back into the other world. What if you are not in the world I venture into? Does that mean that we are simply not meant to be?

I will stay here a little longer, keep on waiting. Then I'll allow the wind to choose, to push me into whichever reality it thinks suits me best.

I will sit here cross-legged, half in, half out. Waiting for you.

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