Saturday, April 10, 2010

The pitter patter of rain on an umbrella

The pitter patter of rain on an umbrella, as I watch him come towards me, to open the gate.

The pitter patter of rain on the umbrella, as I do all I can to not let it drop on the floor, to swing myself upon him.

The pitter patter of rain on umbrellas, as he stands beneath his, and I mine.

The pitter patter of rain on umbrellas, as suddenly, they both lie on the floor.

The soft breaths and gasps, as we both taste, thirsty for the elixir of our souls.

The drowned sound of clothes falling deafly to the floor, of rain blossoming from drops and falling into rivulets upon our skin.

The silent sighs, as they turn into calls of victory.

My hot tears as I sob, as I fall back into reality, me on one side of the gate, and him walking away from me, forever.

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